Thursday, September 29, 2011

Nature, i defeat you, for i am taller.
Sky, i conquer you, for i am here.

dear human: when you;re the only one competing, you're always gonna be first, but you're also always gonna be last...

somewhere out of sight... there was a sliced-off head.

a thought about a machine

thus, the machine, assembled to create and destroy with apathy.
no identity crisis.
no development or faith.
i AM the mechanical universe you praise and fear
between the prohibited and the ideal.

i dont, but YOU do, wonder if i should exist

his claws are the sharpest,
the strongest/
but he's holding his own intestines
that no one else can touch
so he can never hurt others,
unless he REALLY wants to die.

the guardian

(s)he blocks the exit
of my balance.

you only matter to the naive.

too many voices... if only we could sing in harmony.

like a child with blocks,
stacking them high and knocking them down with a smile...
to create, develop and destroy with joy and play
is the theme of a life.

i encode my message to look intellectual
and momentarily impractical
until the masses follow.


let the rats into the nursery
and bring the piper to collet.
the critics will stay behind
but the ones in search of detachment will flee with the melody.

well, we cant grow up if we're all going sideways.

BEWARE: your children are being educated.
they might outsmart you.

clapping at the end of a war;
they didnt feel like insubordinates.

canibal awareness

the ghost returned '
cus i didnt put THAT in my trash..

Monday, September 26, 2011

i frequently tell my muse to shut his fucking mouth.
always sa hi.
never good-bye..

language is the spoken flag that tire the world apart.

like a firefly's nest for a lamp..
our living room was never dark.

feeling sick.

it... started as a cough...
then it turned into a stroke..

THEN, the blood was all over his nose.

late hang-out.
i felt in the wrong place again...
it was warm on the tip of the iceberg.


thoughts may ocur that could be potential for further-developed ideas.

sphere-the ball.

i am the NO-FUN toy
i am dangerous
unless you play safely, gently
and SO carefully.

enjoyment has no room for caution.

shed some skin and go back to necessities

embrace the destruction
chasing shards of glass.

the anthem of new authority.

"let's make rules like the ones we dont like.
but we're making them, so, they'll... be... good rules...
but WE dont have to follow them, cus they're rules...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

i was walking on a residential area and i found an abandoned couch.
i laid down to rest and have a cigarette when a homeless man came up and said:
excuse me; that's MY spot.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

the mechanical pencil is sharp enough to stab me in the throat, but hallow enough to make a tracheostomy tube.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

miss random laughs at the progress of science.

pigs and violence.

something about art...

i am the photographer of others' paintings
i am the writer to others' films
the dancer to others' music.

and i am not an artist according to the sculpted crowd.


i stepped away from ambition.

a cave

not forgotten or resentful
imaginary is the enemy that matters
realistic is the solution you can grow
pictured and trapped in the distance of calamity
but destroyed on the soil where harvest was nurtured.

whether it could flourish
or if it was infertile
the storm destroyed and devastated
everything in the field.
everything in the field.

thru my phases,
i skipped denial
and my bargaining was to go thru these phases backwards
so i could end-up delusional and irresponsible.

audio versus text

rebirth only happens after death..

kill this world if you wanna see a new one.

the pests in the gutter interact with art more than the academic in the galleries.

the pests in the gutter interact with art more than the academic in the galleries.

kinda'd a funny story...

after a day, i had to take a shower, cus i didnt know what i was doing.

go to the bathroom, jump in the shower and realize i'm peeing in the tub...
with my clothes on.

they walked on clouds
until the feathers burned
and they smelled the upcoming asphalt.

on the highway, the tow truck driver sees potential clients

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

a thought about addiction.

addictions feel like a sexual encounter
where it escalates to such a degree that it's excessive.
it feels destructive and so explosive, it turns implosive...

...and the crave for more occurs.
everything feels RESET, the momentum occurs again...
an attempt to reach bliss...


...and the crave for more occurs.

Monday, September 5, 2011

when the giant screen was filled with what couldn't be done, the novelists took a look inwards (to dreams and nightmares.)
now the films are jealous.

melvin sanders didn't take responsibility for his suicide until he met his alternative personality.

he wrote a message on a piece of paper & turned it into a paper airplane. then he attached an engine to get it to fly faster, the engine burned it down.


two sperms fall in love and stay behind.

love conclusion.

...and a kiss was the air we wanted.


i bought a fish, but no fish bowl.
...i named it cliff.